Alumnae Workshop Recap: The Customer Relationship Experience

More Than A Meal Founder Mitch Case shared his 12 Steps to Better Customer Relationship Experience at the Thread’s September Alumnae Workshop.

Called CR3X – in which the “R3” stands for Revenue, Referrals and Retention – Mitch created the following 12 steps as a member of a sales team wanting to do more (a.k.a. make more) but finding themselves without the time needed to dedicate to the task. Mitch asked: “How can our impact be felt while still prioritizing other important things in life?” 

Mitch’s 12 Steps include:

  • Budget

  • Information Gathering

  • Google Alerts

  • Social Media

  • Gifting

  • Food

  • Face-to-Face Communication

  • The Phone Call

  • Events

  • Personal Notes

  • Holidays

  • Introductions

Three major takeaways stood out for the alumnae in attendance:

Create a “Homebase”

Stacking your meetings at a coffee shop or coworking space allows you to save time and make value-adding introductions between your last contact and your next contact. 

The F-Word

(No. Not THAT F-word.) When you reach back out to contacts, stop using the language “just following up.” Instead, find a way to authentically connect with your contact when you follow up. Don’t force it! 


Everyone sends cards and gifts at Christmas or the end of the year. Yours are getting lost in the shuffle (especially if you send something delightfully snackable that’s being shared in the breakroom). Look for different holidays to send gifts – like your business anniversary! Better yet, choose a holiday that might more deeply resonate with your client profile.




Community Feature: She Speaks