Alumna Guest Post: Finding Joy in the Details

As another year comes to an end, it's easy to get caught up in checking off our lists, making sure everyone is taken care of, and deciding what we need to achieve in the coming year. But before rushing into 2024, let's take a moment to pause.

Put down your cape for a minute. Lean into the courage you normally give to others – find the bravery to save what’s left of you for you. While society and social media pressure us to do it all, let's try to focus on what really matters. What really matters to you? Dig deep within yourself to silence the noise and find your true voice.

For me, it's the little moments of pure joy with my loved ones that I look forward to - an impromptu family movie night, the smiles when we make hot cocoa on a cold day, the quiet mornings when I can gather my thoughts over coffee. It's being fully present in the imperfect moments too - when we're late to an event or eating out because life got busy.

As you reflect on the year, remember to fill your own cup first. Save your energy for what matters most to you. Decline obligations that don't serve your spirit. Extend grace and kindness to yourself. End this year by making your inner light shine brighter. The new year can wait - for now, take a breath and find joy in the details.

Desireé Allen is a lover of efficiency and making things run smoothly! With over a decade of experience in Operations, Human Resources, and Team Leadership, she's mastered the art of workflow optimization. When she's not streamlining processes, you'll find Desireé embarking on new travel adventures or spending quality time with her family.

Armed with an MBA and a passion for leading teams, Desireé is excited to bring her knowledge and real-world experience to her writing. She hopes her authentic voice and transparency will motivate and inspire others.


Happy Holidays

