How Vision Boarding Helps You Achieve Your Goals
It’s probably one of my favorite words ever.
In the way we’re using it, vision is “the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom”. The ability to have vision for our future is the first step to making what we want a reality. It happens before the how (how can I make this a reality?) and sometimes even before the why (why do I want this to be my reality?).
At the end of 2019, before I started The Thread, I sat down to think about what I wanted the next decade to look like for me. At that time, I was working about 15 hours a week as a contracted executive recruiter, and otherwise taking care of my boys (3 & just short of 1 at the time). As I look back just four years later, I am in awe of how much of my vision has transpired. A few key things I envisioned for myself were: owning my own business that allowed me time freedom and earned my desired income (check), getting to lead a small team of kick ass women (check and check) and getting to travel often (check). I didn’t even have the idea for The Thread yet, hadn’t met Kristen or spoken to Kendra in close to a decade, had no clue in eight months I would be moving back to my hometown, a place that would allow me the resources to travel to places I had only dreamed of going at the point.
Crafting a vision can be a powerful tool in our lives.
Photo Cred: Jenelle Robinson
Then when we put images to a vision, for example, during an activity like vision boarding, the images can stimulate the power of our unconscious, according to Dr. Chloe Carmichael, clinical psychologist. She shares that, “the unconscious tends to think more in pictures than words, so having stimulating images that make us feel connected to our goals can increase our emotional drive towards reaching those goals.” Having a vision board in a place we see every day helps keep our goals front and center in our brains.
The Thread started on a vision board and has grown into a real-life beautiful three year old community that now spans two cities. I would encourage you to give vision boarding a try…you never know what might happen!
Audra Dinell, Founder of The Thread