Our “Inside Out” Curriculum

While no single Thread cohort has been exactly the same, we always use an “inside out” method when building workshop curriculum. Since the beginning, we’ve prioritized designing topics that start with internal work and slowly work toward efforts that others may notice more readily.

Here’s what that looks like:

Internal: There are parts of us that aren’t visible to the outside, but so often, we don’t slow down long enough to truly understand ourselves. Our workshops create space to dig into purpose, values, strengths and more.

Mid: Several topics that we cover are considered (by us) to be areas that are internal work (don’t often involve others) but are noticeable to those in our lives if they are looking closely. Examples of these might include growth mindset and emotional intelligence.

External: We end by building on skills that are more easily visible to the outside world such as executive presence, crucial conversations, negotiation and leadership.

We believe in a wholehearted and holistic approach to personal and professional development. We are who we are - at work, at home, in the community. Women in our cohorts all want to thrive. They all want to grow. We’re proud to offer a curriculum that supports this important work.


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