Why Mantras Should Be In Your Toolkit
Do you ever have those seasons where you feel that you are being called into a space that’s ‘bigger’ than the one you currently occupy? Seasons where you’re going to be stretched in ways that you don’t even know how to prepare for, but you just know they are coming? Seasons when you’re “scited” - scared/excited about the person you’re bound to become through the journey, but fully realizing that the process may not be pretty?
I feel like I am walking into one of those seasons.
In case you find yourself in a similar place, I want to share the mantra I’ve adopted this year to help me stay clear while taking one. step. at. a. time. towards the direction of my dreams and goals:
“Courage over fear. Faith over doubt.”
This mantra helps me tap into deep, inner confidence because courage and faith are the two values I hold highest.
I personally define courage as being scared and doing it anyway.
Walking this mantra out, this means:
Having the courage to believe in myself, the courage to say yes to opportunities even when I don’t feel ready and the courage to be vulnerable. The courage to show up authentically even when I may not know what the “right” thing to say is, the courage to apologize and the courage to risk failure. The courage to give myself grace when I do fail, as well the courage to forgive others. The courage to examine my fears, the courage to shine a light on them and the courage to not live with them in the driver’s seat.
I personally define faith as believing strongly in something, sometimes without having proof.
Walking this mantra out, this means:
Having faith that I am in the rooms I’m meant to be in, believing that there is a reason I’m there. Faith that I will figure it out. Faith that I can do hard things, meet my challenges head on and grow from them. Faith that humans, myself included, are inherently good. Faith that I can rewire my limiting beliefs and be free from their chains.
I would encourage you to create your own mantra this year and tap into it as much as you need. You can use it when:
You’re applying for that job that you only meet 8/10 qualifications for (yes, you should apply)
You ask to have an important conversation with your boss
You don’t feel like you fit in
You want to share your thoughts and you're not sure how they are going to be perceived
You are getting ready to hit the launch button & make that business/new offering official
Do you have a 2023 mantra? We’d love to hear it! Email us at audra@thethreadwlc.com to share.