GLS 2024 Takeaways
Each year, our Thread team is honored to participate in the Leadership Lobby of GLS (Global Leadership Summit). Aside from seeing friendly faces and meeting new people, we love being able to absorb all the richness of what this conference has to offer. A few of the key takeaways from this year’s summit were:
Give yourself permission to strategically obsess. Leaders don’t grow with their yes’s. They grow with their no’s – what’s on your “to don’t” list. FOCUS. The greatest barrier to productive leadership is overcommitment.
The most important story we tell is the story (or stories) that we tell ourselves. These can add up to limiting beliefs. YOU chose the stories you tell yourself!
And our favorite was the Alignment Audit shared by Molly Fletcher. With this audit, you list the 10 most important things in your life and rate them (1-10). You then rate how much time and energy you invest in them (1-10). Any gap greater than a 2 is a misalignment. What a way to think about aligning your values with how you spend your time!
If you complete your Alignment Audit, we’d love to hear what you learn!