Play & Rest
We’re either maintaining where we are, we’re regressing or we’re moving forward.
Do you believe that?
It’s a belief that I’ve personally struggled with...
Does that mean that I cannot play without losing traction? What about rest?
This summer I’ve learned that there is a place for play & a place for rest, places that can in fact move us forward. In fact, just recently I took my two sons to their first concert together. I was skipping (another) Monday of work after a holiday weekend and feeling a tad bit stressed at how much time I was spending playing. Then I ended up having one of the best nights of my life and we made some core memories, for sure. I knew I had made the best decision for us.
But I’m not going to lie, when we got home from the concert the next day I was exhausted and overwhelmed. So instead of diving into productivity during that state, I decided to give myself what I was craving - rest.
And the next morning, those two magical components - play & rest - had lifted that fog of uncertainty and I felt on fire, ready to show up for my life & business in a refreshed way. I know that the actions I take today are either going to get me closer or further away from the vision I have for my life. It's something that I constantly need to remind myself though.
What about you? How do you create space for both play and rest in your life?