Record Your Wins This Year

Happy 2023, Friends!

I am sitting in my neighborhood’s locally-owned coffee shop (shout out to Coffee Daze) on New Year’s Eve writing this message to you and as I do so, I am filled with so much hope for the new year. 

I’ve spent some of today and much of the last week reflecting on the amazing things that happened for the women in our Thread community, things that have happened in our business and things that have happened in my own life last year. And can I be honest? I love reflecting and I kind of suck at it when I try to think back over a whole year. So much has happened! 

Last year I started the personal practice of ending each week (either on Friday, Sunday or sometimes Monday morning) by listing out 3-5 personal wins that happened in my world. I wasn’t extremely consistent at this practice and sitting here at the end of a whole year I realize how impactful that pause was on the weeks that I did manage to get it in. There is just something about looking back over the week that gives us the ability to see all of the small victories that make up a meaningful life. It’s something I’m aiming to be more consistent with in 2023. 

As a team, we did this as well by creating a Google Doc called Weekly Wins. On our best weeks, we would jump on a quick Friday call to brain dump all of the wins our team experienced and it helped us to see all that we had accomplished in a short time. Sometimes it’s helpful to remind ourselves of the things that are going right, when at the end of any given period of time it can be easy to just stare at our lengthy to-do lists focusing on all we did not get done. 

So as we look forward to 2023, I invite you to take a moment to consider what practices (consistent or not) gave you life last year. And if you’re feeling so inclined, tag us on social media and let us know what brought you joy, productivity, flow, peace or health. 

Cheers to 2023!



5 Books to Read in 2023


A Research-Based Gratitude Practice for Work